Projets de recherche et stages - Research projects and internships

ISAE SUPAERO offers international and French students the opportunity to complete a research project during their studies within the Institute’s research laboratories. These projects are as a priority intended for final year master’s students. Projects start in February-March or October-November and last 5-6 months. Solid command of English is required and an A1/A2 level of French is recommended.

Students shall send their application by email to the contact indicated in the project offer 2 months before the start of the research project (include a CV and a cover letter).


L’ISAE SUPAERO offre aux étudiants français et internationaux la possibilité de mener un projet de recherche pendant leur cursus universitaire au sein de ses laboratoires. Ces projets sont proposés en priorité aux étudiants de dernière année de master et débutent en février-mars ou octobre-novembre pour une durée de 5 à 6 mois. La maîtrise de l’anglais est exigée et un niveau de français A1/A2 est conseillé.

Les étudiants doivent adresser leur candidature par mail au contact indiqué dans l’offre de stage, au minimum 2 mois avant le début du stage (joindre un CV et une lettre de motivation).

Accédez aux offres de stages proposés par les 5 départements de formation et de recherche de l’ISAE-SUPAERO !

Access to research projects offered by the 5 ISAE-SUPAERO education and scientific departments !

Département Conception et conduite des véhicules Aéronautiques et Spatiaux

Department of Aerospace vehicles design and control

Multi-Disciplinary Analysis and Optimization of Reusable Liquid Rocket Engines
Development of a preliminary aircraft design for Blended Wing Body configuration
Development of an evaluation module of Handling Qualities for the Overall Aircraft Design FAST-OAD code
Development of a branch of the Overall Aircraft Design FAST-OAD code : incremental developments and training framework
Development of a piloting/guiding system for self-guided parachute drone
Implementation of Runway Detection Systems using Machine Learning
CHIP-GT Project : Building a Mission Planner for Forest Rangers to Fight against Illegal Poaching in Conservation Games
Development of a design methodology for CFD analysis and advanced post-processing of future aircraft
Development of a branch of the Overall Aircraft Design FAST-OAD code : incremental developments and training framework
Aerodynamic computations (CFD) and meshing strategies for strut-braced wing configurations
Development of a methodology to enrich low-fidelity models using available high-fidelity data
Direct numerical simulation of single bubble cavitation and boiling in zero gravity conditions at the wall
CASAC chair Internship Proposal : Profile-Based Decision-Making for Mixed-Initiative Interaction
CASAC Chair Internship Proposal : Benchmarking DRL-based agents during a human-AI Collaborative task
Online planning for Safety-constrained Stochastic Shortest Path problems
System Identification and Control of Flexible Space Structures
Direct Numerical Simulation of transcritical droplets

Département Aérodynamique, Énergétique et Propulsion

Department of Aerodynamics, Energetics and Propulsion

Analysis of the aerodynamic performance of a microdrone wing under vertical gust

Département Électronique, Optronique et Signal

Department of Electronics, Optronics and Signal Processing

Vérification formelle de logiciels critiques en instrumentation spatiale
Interacting with diverse planetary surfaces

Département d’Ingénierie des Systèmes Complexes

Department of Complex Systems Engineering

Étude de mesures de sobriété pour le secteur aérien
Optimal projection for high-dimensional importance sampling
Aviation and planetary boundaries
Optimal projection for high-dimensional importance sampling
Développement et mise en oeuvre d’un robot mobile basé sur ROS2
Towards wireless communication for smart factories
Repair prioritization for a service support contractor
Reliability mechanisms for time sensitive networks
Regularization with generative neural networks for satellite imaging
MBSE approach for Nanosatellites : CREME application
Prediction of irregular timeseries with limited data
A Lustre to SPARK code generator with correctness annotations
Code generation for safety assessment of uav physical architecture
Identité numérique anonyme pour un meilleur contrôle d’accès sur internet (anonymous digital
identity for access control on the Internet)

Vérification formelle de logiciels critiques en instrumentation spatiale
Controle optimal de l’equation de la chaleur bidimensionnel base sur la relaxation du moment sos
Linear transfer learning with application to multifidelity calculus
Determinism Enhancement in Embedded Systems for Aeronautics and Space applications
Design and implementation of an ethernet switch in a fpga
Modeling and verification of routing rules of an ethernet switch
Stabilizing exploration with uncertainty
Design and Verification Methodology for Secure and Performant Time-Sensitive
Networks in Embedded Applications

Model transformation survey

Département Mécanique des Structures et Matériaux

Department of Mechanics, Structures and Materials


Modelling and simulation of the mechanical behavior of bonded repairs
Delamination modelling of 3D woven composites for dynamic loadings applications


Durability of structural bonded repairs
Simplified stress analysis of adhesively bonded joints based on elastic continuum plane media

Développement et améliorations d’un banc d’essai d’érosion
MEDEE - Modélisation de la durabilité de pièces aéronautiques soumises à un environnement abrasif
MINI-PADS - Modélisation et identification des caractéristiques dynamiques de structures de parachutes en interaction fluide-structure
Modélisation numérique discrète et expérimentale des structures souples de parachute de colis auto guidés
Étude des dommages de structures composites d’aéronefs impactées par des chocs à énergie dirigée orientée vers la conception des protections
Influence of design parameters on the mechanical behavior of single-lap bonded joints as a function of reference analytical models


Finite element analysis of adhesively bonded joints in a recyclable wind turbine blade
Numerical modelling and simulation of adhesively bonded and hydride (bolted/bonded) joints using rubber-like adhesives
Experimental test campaign on thermoplastic-matrix GFRP composite laminates for a recyclable
wind turbine blade

Numerical modelling of polymer foam fabricated by extrusion assisted with supercritical CO2 (début du stage possible début mars 2023 / internship could start early March 2023)
Thermal analysis of astronaut habitats made of lunar regolith


Modeling durability of aeronautical parts subjected to an abrasive environment
Modélisation de la performance dynamique d’un système de protection céramiquecolle-composite
Damage and failure identification of composite laminates with carbon fibers and thermoplastic
matrix under static and dynamic loadings

Delamination modelling of 3D woven composites for dynamic loadings applications
Finite Element Simulation of drilling burr formation in metallic materials
Assessment of adherence under fatigue loading by experimental and numerical testing


Finite Element simulation of drilling burr formation in metallic materials
Etude et caractérisation de la propagation de fissures de fatigue dans un alliage d’aluminium sous différentes conditions
Ingénieur en Mécanique des Matériaux : comportement EP F/H
Absorbeur hybride non-linéaire : vers le contrôle dynamique des structures

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