DCAS resources and equipment
The DCAS has advanced scientific facilities and resources to meet the Department’s teaching and research needs.
Most resources are managed by the technical group which develops and implements platforms and software :
- Flight simulators (for human factor research, flight mechanics teaching, piloting)
- Aeronautical software package (for flight mechanics, aircraft design, flight tests)
- Space software package (for orbitography, subsystem simulation satellites, launchers, ground stations)
- Drones and systems of drones
- Satellite ground segment (ground stations for satellite projects).
Some platforms are used/developed in collaboration with other technical teams :
- Software for the TB 20 system (flight tests) and for Lasbordes flight management developed with the Floght Operations Center of Lasbordes
- Autonomous systems room shared with the Department of Complex Systems Engineering (DISC)
Technical group members
• Patrice Labedan (Supervisor of the technical group)
• Dominique Bernard
• Jérôme Dartigues
• Guillaume Garrouste
• Thibault Gateau
• Etienne Perrin
The DCAS technical group is developing a software package for teaching and research in the aeronautics field. These tools simulate the aircraft’s movements (Longisim and Transsim), calculate performances or assist the design (Alcazar) and help flight teaching with the TB20 instrumented aircraft (TB20 systems). The Activol software allows the flight management of Lasbordes Operational Center aircraft.
Other tools are being developed by the scientific group through specific research programs.
Flight mechanics : "LONGISIM/TRANSIM" Software
The LONGISIM and TRANSIM software are dedicated to studying the longitudinal and lateral movements of aircraft . They make it possible to do simulations depending on the type of aircraft and the flight characteristics.

Aircraft design : "ALCAZAR" Software
ALCAZAR software is used for the study and complete design of a passenger aircraft.
Weight report, fuselage sizing (number of seatsper class...), geometry of wings, empennage, thrust parameters... The many displays allow the user to visualize design results throughout the process.

Test flights / flight dynamics : "the TB20 System"
The software of the «TB20 System », based on an instrumented TB20 aircraft (25 remote measurement parameters), displays flight parameters in real or delayed time: teaching flight dynamics (in flight or on the ground), flight testing.

Flight management : the « ACTIVOL » software
ACTIVOL software is for daily flight management of Lasbordes aircraft. Statistics are extracted for annual assessments of the activity.

Equipment platforms
In the aeronautics field, extensive resources are available at the DCAS: many flight simulators (PEGASE, 6MOUV), a workshop for drone design, and drone flying platforms.
« PEGASE » flight simulator
PEGASE : Platform for Experiments on Generic Aircraft Simulation Environment
This simulation platform, halfway between high-end simulation (6 axis training simulators) and individual flight simulators for PCs, is the ideal support for teaching flight mechanics and Human Factors research.
This generic simulator is used to simulate any type of aircraft. The Airbus A300 is the fundamental model for our courses.
Developments are totally managed by the DCAS technical group, which makes it possible to adapt the platform to different needs (research, experimentation, demonstrations, teaching).
• Control system : High end equipment with mini pilot/co-pilot control columns, rudder pedals, A320 thrust levers+trim wheel, FCU, MCDU.
• EFIS/ECAM A320 cockpit displays : Primary Flight Display, Navigation Display, Engine Warning Display, Flight Control. They are multiplatform and can be reused for other projects (contact : Patrice.Labedan at isae.fr).
• 3D display: panoramic 3D display reproduces the outside world. It comes from the FlightGear open-source simulator but has been adapted to answer needs (in particular for HUD, or Head Up Display aspects.
• Movement : A 3 axis hydraulic system reproduces movement (Pitch, Roll, Height).
• Audio server : Alarms, engines, animations (retraction/extension of flats and slats, landing gear, rain…).
Photos :

« 6MOUV » flight simulator
6MOUV is a single-seat light aircraft simulator (DR400), with a 3 axis platform, based on the Flight Simulator software.

The DCAS manages a workshop dedicated to the final design phase of the drone.
Supervised by : Dominique Bernard.
Many types of stationary drones developed at the DCAS (VisionAir, ScolAir, ScanAir) have been produced in the workshop. A fixed wing platform is currently under development (ExpAir, for the ExpeDrone project).


(vainqueur IMAV 2017 : « Treasure Hunt Challenge »)

The DCAS technical group is also developing a software package for research and teaching in the space field. These include design and simulation tools for space systems: SatOrb, SimuSat, and SimuLaunch.
SATORB is a complex software for orbitography and analysis of multi-satellite, multi-station, missions. Satorb allows 2D and 3D display of all types of satellites and constellations as well as multiple analyses of accesses, visibilities, coverage and link budget.

The « SIMUSAT » software
SIMUSAT is a satellite subsystems simulation software. The available modules allow accurate simulation of attitude control, power management as well as simplified thermal simulations. This software, constantly evolving, and combined with Satorb is a powerful complete space system simulation tool.

Simulaunch is a simulator dedicated to designing launchers as well as studying their trajectory during firing.

Equipment platforms
The DCAS also has extensive space resources including: a ground station in Toulouse (UHF/VHF), a ground station in Cayenne (S Band), as well as a control center for its nano-satellite projects intended to be simple and generic.
UHF/VHF –T Ground station
ISAE-SUPAERO teams have a ground station to exchange numerical data with the satellite of their choice, in UHF/VHF, whether in uplink (remote controlled) or downlink (remote measurement). The station can operate autonomously and collects satellite data automatically. A room is dedicated to this ground station in Toulouse.

Ground Station (S Band)
Since 2000, ISAE-SUPAERO has had an S-band ground station in Cayenne. In cooperation with MIT and RIKEN, it will provide a network of ground stations located on the equator to meet challenges related to on-board-ground links in particular due to the platform’s equatorial orbit.

SCC : Simple Control Center
Simple Control Center (SCC) manages all data exchanges between the satellite and ground segment thanks to a light, and high performance, software. Specific focus has been lead about data processing and GUI ergonomics. This is a robust, stable, reusable tool which fully complies with existing European (ECSS) and international standards.