Are you a company, organization, or structure subject to corporate income tax?

By directing all or part of your apprenticeship tax to ISAE-SUPAERO, you will be playing an essential role in our mission to offer a complete and unique range of top-level scientific training in the field of aerospace engineering, and to participate in the transformation of aviation & its decarbonization for a sustainable future!

By choosing ISAE-SUPAERO as your beneficiary, you are supporting the success of tomorrow’s talents!

What is the apprenticeship tax?

The apprenticeship tax is a mechanism for financing the costs of apprenticeships and technological training of training establishments. It is paid by companies in two parts (main part and balance).

You therefore have the option of directing the balance of this tax to an accredited establishment of your choice.

The apprenticeship tax represents a major challenge for ISAE-SUPAERO!

Every year, thanks to the contribution from the apprenticeship tax, ISAE-SUPAERO is able to strengthen its academic programs, improve its infrastructure and offer professional development opportunities to its students. This enables our institute to remain true to its purpose: to train engineers of the highest scientific level, who are humanists, innovative and capable of mastering the complex challenges of tomorrow’s world. In this way, you are investing directly in the future of our company.

Olivier Lesbre - President of ISAE-SUPAERO

How is the tax collected?

The main part is collected monthly. The balance is collected during two campaigns, during which you can indicate the name of the organization receiving the balance. The French law for “Liberté de Choisir son Avenir Professionnel” of September 5, 2018 simplifies the circuit for collecting and distributing the balance, and the tax is now collected directly by Urssaf.

For 2024, these two campaigns will be held:

  • May 27 to June 10,
  • August 12 to October 25.

Since last year, there is a single national platform for collecting TA: Soltea (portal set up by the Caisse des dépôts et des consignations on behalf of the French State, using your Net Entreprises authorization).

Why support ISAE-SUPAERO with the tax?

By directing the balance of your contribution to ISAE-SUPAERO, you are investing in teaching and technical resources that are essential to the projects and training of our students.

These resources are the guarantee of the scientific teaching excellence so deeply rooted in ISAE-SUPAERO’s DNA, and so sought-after by companies. In concrete terms, these investments are reflected in :

  • Teaching: by modernizing computer rooms, acquiring multimedia equipment, classrooms and lecture theatres, specialized software and digital teaching tools, and purchasing scientific books.

33 training programs
over 1,900 students
Nearly 800 graduates per year

  • Research: through acquisition of cutting-edge scientific equipment, investment in computer workstations, participation in international learned societies.

Nearly 200 professors, scientists, engineers, and technicians
Nearly 400 teacher-researchers and doctoral students
6 doctoral schools

  • International: through the selection of high-caliber lecturers from industry, and support for student interns in companies.

135 agreements with 107 universities in 33 countries on the 5th continents
21 academic partnerships signed
43 Erasmus+ partnerships in 13 partner countries and 41 universities

  • Corporate relations : by funding scientific collaborations, organizing and participating in conferences, and supporting students’ academic stays.

35 partner companies
8 sponsorship chairs


Fanny Salas, Apprenticeship Tax Officer (05 61 33 80 10 - taxeapprentissage at is available to explain the scheme and answer any questions you may have.

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