TAS ASTRO "Space Systems Engineering" Advanced master

Photo de Stéphanie Lizy-Destrez, responsable du MS TAS ASTRO
The TAS-ASTRO Advanced Master main objectives are to: train our students on space systems engineering, a multidisciplinary approach to design and operate space systems (launchers and orbital systems), deepen their knowledge and skills in engineering disciplines: AOCS (Attitude and Orbit Control System) and GNC (Guidance, Navigation, Control), mission analysis and space mechanics, thermal control, & transmit knowledge on space applications (navigation, telecommunications, earth observation, space exploration, human spaceflight…), newspace and space situation awareness. It combines lectures on current challenges of space domain (reusable launcher, space debris, human, and robotics exploration…) and on fundamental disciplines (propulsion, structure and materials, estimation and filtering, control…), invites renowned academic and professional experts from space agencies and space industry to deliver lectures and share their enthusiasm for the space sector, benefit from the support of a strong network of international alumni.

Stéphanie Lizy-Destrez - Head of TAS ASTRO program

The advanced master “Space Systems Engineeering”


The advanced master “Space Systems Engineeering” , accredited by the "Conférence des Grandes Ecoles" (top Engineering and Business schools French federation) under n° 710, provides high level inter-disciplinary training in space systems engineering, space engineering and space project management.

The program allows the future space systems engineer to acquire and develop technical skills specific to space engineering, to space systems design and to understand the international, economic and legal aspects of space programs.


The “Space Systems Engineering” program leads to systems or management position of various space application programs (Earth Observation, Telecommunications, Navigation, science, Human Spaceflight…) as researcher in space engineering, space systems engineer and design engineer in space industry, agencies, or laboratories.

The SEEDS international placement

The SEEDS (Space Exploration Development Systems) international placement is an optional extra project of the “Space Systems Engineering” program, during which you will work in multidisciplinary teams on topical space exploration research projects, designed in collaboration with advisors from the space industry.

ISAE-SUPAERO’s partners in SEEDS are the Politecnico di Torino in Italy and the University of Leicester in UK. All three institutions have strong links with the space industry, a heritage of space research and exploration, and high-level expertise in the delivery of teaching. You will spend two months at each institution and will be required to cover basic travel and subsistence costs. The course is taught in English at all three sites.

The international SEEDS programme is supported and endorsed by the Italian (ASI), French (CNES) and UK Space Agencies, as well as Thales Alenia Space, ALTEC and numerous other companies and institutions.

Download the AM TAS ASTRO brochure!

Pedagogy, job opportunities, applications... download the AM TAS ASTRO fact sheet to get more information about this program!

The Advanced Master is accessible to persons with disabilities (PSH).
In the event that a learner is in a situation of disability, his or her needs (whatever they are educational, material, technical, human, etc.) are taken into account by the ISAE-SUPAERO’s Disability Advisor. ISAE-SUPAERO provides the expertise, the tools, and the networks needed to facilitate the access to premises and resources, to prepare certifications and take examinations.

For more information: https://www.isae-supaero.fr/fr/isae-supaero/nos-engagements/handicap-diversite-egalite-prevention-harcelement-discriminations-violences/handicap-diversite-egalite-prevention-harcelement-discriminations-violences/

Please note that VAE scheme is not offered for this Advanced Master diploma. However, you may be eligible to apply for the program without the required diploma (Bachelor or Master) if you have a significant professional experience in the targeted or a related field. To get more information, contact info.exed at isae-supaero.fr.


My first piece of advice is to have already developed an enthusiasm for space, thanks to MOOC, internships or involvement in space-related associations. My second piece of advice is to dare to apply. The third is to apply as soon as possible!

Stéphanie Lizy-Destrez - Heads of TAS ASTRO program


for the TAS ASTRO Advanced Master !

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