Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering

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Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering
0:44 min
Academic programs

18 March 2021

Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering

The ISAE-SUPAERO #Master of Science #degree program is internationally renowned and highly regarded as an innovative program in science and technologies. Fully taught in English, this program is designed to prepare engineering students to find and develop solutions to today’s and tomorrow’s challenges facing the world and the #aerospace industry. The Master is accredited by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research in line with the European higher education system.
aerospace engineering offers students extensive opportunities for specialization and a tailored curriculum:
- a strong multi-disciplinary common core in engineering, management and foreign languages,
- a one-year part-time research project in semesters 2 and 3,
- 19 electives in semester 2 covering the main fields of aerospace engineering,
- 7 majors in semester 3 in line with the needs of aeronautical and space industry and research:
- Advanced Aerodynamics and propulsion
- Aerospace structures
- Aerospace systems and control
- Embedded systems
- Space systems
- Systems engineering
- Space imaging navigation and communication
- foreign languages: French, spanish, german, russian...
- a one-semester master thesis completed either in industry or in a laboratory
More info:
Contact us at: info-masters at
Discover more of ISAE-SUPAERO’s aerospace engineering degrees.

WAT - We Are Together 0:44 min

The ISAE-SUPAERO #Master of Science #degree program is internationally renowned and highly regarded as an innovative program in science and technologies. Fully taught in English, this program is designed to prepare engineering students to find and develop solutions to today’s and tomorrow’s challenges facing the world and the #aerospace industry. The Master is accredited by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research in line with the European higher education system.

The ISAE-SUPAERO MSc in aerospace engineering offers students extensive opportunities for specialization and a tailored curriculum:

- a strong multi-disciplinary common core in engineering, management and foreign languages,
- a one-year part-time research project in semesters 2 and 3,
- 19 electives in semester 2 covering the main fields of aerospace engineering,
- 7 majors in semester 3 in line with the needs of aeronautical and space industry and research:
- Advanced Aerodynamics and propulsion
- Aerospace structures
- Aerospace systems and control
- Embedded systems
- Space systems
- Systems engineering
- Space imaging navigation and communication
- foreign languages: French, spanish, german, russian...
- a one-semester master thesis completed either in industry or in a laboratory

More info:

Contact us at: info-masters at

Discover more of ISAE-SUPAERO’s aerospace engineering degrees.

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