Advanced Master Space Applications & Services - SPAPS

Applications for the SPAPS Advanced Master are closed for 2024 intake.

Raphaël Garcia - head program SPAPS 2024
First and foremost, there is the close collaboration with our partner Airbus, located in Toulouse, the aerospace capital of Europe. Then, you will acquire an extensive coverage of the knowledge and skills needed in order to understand, define, characterize and implement space applications in the fields of space telecommunications and Earth observation, using professional tools. Finally, this Master’s degree will provide you with a solid foundation for professional integration in a wide range of positions (research and development, program management, consulting, etc.).

Raphael Garcia - Head of SPAPS Advanced Master


The advanced master Space Applications & Services, accredited by the "Conférence des Grandes Ecoles" (top Engineering and Business schools French federation) under n° 1085, gives students a broad understanding of space systems and how they are used in the fields of Earth’s environment monitoring, communications and navigation.

Students shall be capable to design space application and services by using real-life example and experimental work. Students will propose and design tools and solutions in areas such as the Earth’s environment, agriculture, transport or urban planning. They will also be able to specify a complete telecommunication system according to user needs: internet access, Internet of Things, Fixed or mobile terminals.


This ADVANCED MASTER® degree in Space Applications and Services guarantees a high level of expertise required for today’s and tomorrow’s international space-related jobs.

This degree offers career opportunitie in a wide range of fields:

  • jobs related to cross-disciplinary use of space data (observation of the Earth and its atmosphere, telecommunications, data positioning, data from scientific missions and exploration) in complex information,
  • consulting jobs to identify and define requirements, and implement application solutions using space data,
  • new jobs related to new space challenges and applications.

Download the AM SPAPS brochure!

Pedagogy, job opportunities, applications... download the AM SPAPS fact sheet to get more information about this program!

The Advanced Master is accessible to persons with disabilities (PSH).
In the event that a learner is in a situation of disability, his or her needs (whatever they are educational, material, technical, human, etc.) are taken into account by the ISAE-SUPAERO’s Disability Advisor. ISAE-SUPAERO provides the expertise, the tools, and the networks needed to facilitate the access to premises and resources, to prepare certifications and take examinations.

For more information:


Ville Meskus, class of 2020, Senior Product Manager

“I’ve always been passionate about human activities in space, but I didn’t work in the field before starting this program at ISAE-SUPAERO. After doing my previous Master’s Degree in industrial engineering and management in Finland, I worked in several countries for different industries as a consultant and in product management. Then I decided to go after my passion and applied for several different aerospace schools.

Ultimately I chose ISAE-SUPAERO for its position as one of the top aerospace schools in the world and its location in the centre of the European aerospace industry. I chose this Advanced Master’s program as I believe we need to enlarge the human footprint in space in order to accelerate our technological progress and safeguard both our species and Earth. In order to do that, we need to push our boundaries further and find more ways to benefit from the space frontier. This is a program to do exactly that. The fact that we would have close cooperation with industry players such as Airbus was a key point in ensuring that how we approach this domain is up-to-date with industry demands and the latest knowledge.

My objective upon joining the program was to get a thorough deep dive into how we can design and build satellites and use them to extract value from space. The program gave me exactly that: I was given all the keys I need to make an international career in space industry. The two strongest highlights for me were the extensive cooperation with Airbus, CNES (the French government space agency) and other key partners, as well as getting a complete view on the whole value chain of the satellite business. Our learning reached from the basic technical details of designing and building satellites and their payloads all the way to how to use those payloads to create and operate a business. In practical exercises, we used the same tools that the industry is using professionally.
For the rest of my career and life, I want to play a major part in the expansion of humanity into space. As long as I’m helping us do that, I know I’m doing exactly what I’ve always wanted to do. I believe attending this program has been a key stepping stone for me towards this path.”

Video of presentation


First tip: be curious and show an interest in space applications! You’ll also need to be able to understand, implement and use data processing tools. Finally, keep an open mind about space applications. This sector is generally poorly known, whereas it has a strong added value and is therefore eager for new, clever engineers.”

Raphaël Garcia - Head of SPAPS Advanced Master

Apply now

to the SPAPS Advanced Master !

Please note that VAE scheme is not offered for this Advanced Master diploma. However you may be eligible to apply for the program without the required diploma (Bachelor or Master) if you have a significant professional experience in the targeted or a related field. To get more information, contact info.exed at

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