Table of contents
Tuition fees
European Applicants Reduced tuition fees (1) |
European Applicants | Non European Applicants Reduced tuition fees (2) |
Non European Applicants (3) | |
AIBT(4) | € 17,000 | € 17,000 | € 17,000 | € 17,000 |
AES | € 12,000 | € 14,500 | € 17,000 | € 23,000 |
AMS-E&M | € 12,000 | € 14,500 | € 17,000 | € 23,000 |
APM | € 13,500 | € 17,000 | € 19,000 | € 23,000 |
ASAA | € 12,000 | € 14,500 | € 17,000 | € 23,000 |
EMS | € 12,000 | € 14,500 | € 17,000 | € 23,000 |
HADA | € 12,000 | € 14,500 | € 17,000 | € 23,000 |
IEVEX | € 8,500 | € 9,500 | € 9,500 | € 9,500 |
IEM | € 13,500 | € 17,000 | € 19,000 | € 23,000 |
SEN | € 12,000 | € 17,000 | € 17,000 | € 23,000 |
SPA | € 12,000 | € 14,500 | € 17,000 | € 23,000 |
SPAPS | € 12,000 | € 14,500 | € 17,000 | € 23,000 |
TAS Aero | € 12,000 | € 14,500 | € 17,000 | € 23,000 |
TAS Astro | € 12,000 | € 14,500 | € 17,000 | € 23,000 |
TAS Astro Seeds | € 13,500 | € 17,000 | € 17,000 | € 23,000 |
TAS Aero FTE | € 15,500 | € 20,000 | € 23,000 | € 23,000 |
(1) For applicants graduated in the year of enrollment or the year before, and with no professional experience and for unemployed applicants registered in France Travail (French employment agency) while applying; IEVEX Advanced Master, reduced tuition fees exclusively for applicants belonging to MINARM (Ministère des Armées)
(2) For individual applicants
(3) Fees for applicants financed (totally ou partially) by a compant / State/ army without partnership with ISAE-SUPAERO. For ISAE-SUPAERO’s partners, you can contact the Executive Education Team
(4) AIBT Advanced Master - apprenticeship: please contact us.
Financial aid
For students of all nationalities
Scholarships for the IEM “Innovation Entrepreneurship and Management” program
In partnership with SAFRAN, ISAE-SUPAERO is offering 2 scholarships covering the full tuition fees.
Application deadline for this scholaship : March 26th, 2025
Results : very beginning of May
Application process for IEM Advanced Master Scholarships:
1 ⁃ Apply for the IEM Advanced Master on the application website. Please check the list of documents expected here.
2 ⁃ After validating your application online for the IEM Advanced Master, please send your motivation letter for the scholarship at info-programmes at with the following title: “Application for the IEM Scholarship”.
Within this letter, you are expected:
to explain your strong interest for innovation,
to precise your career goals and their relevance to the IEM program,
to demonstrate your ability to innovate and be creative (have you already developed/worked on innovative projects?),
- to provide any information you deem relevant to mention to the scholarship committee.
3 - Eventually, under the condition you have been preselected, you will be then invited be for an interview online.
Financial support from Employers
If the program is related to a job held, the employer may offer assistance to the employee. Check on this possibility with your employer.
Professional Thesis
The Advanced Masters include a professional 4-6 month thesis which can be done in a company (internship, job…). Compensation by the company for the student’s work during the professional thesis may contribute to tuition.
For foreign students
Government financial aid
Each year, some of our students benefit from a financial aid from their government.
For more information on these financial aids for foreign students in France, please directly contact your government and visit the Campus France website.
For French or French residents learners
Financial support from the Occitanie Regional Council
For jobseekers registered with France Travail (Employment Agency) in France and who have held a degree for at least 2 years, financial aid from the Occitanie Region is available for 12 of the ISAE-SUPAERO Advanced Master programs.
- AM AES : AEronautical and Space structures
- AM AIBT : Artificial Intelligence and Business Transformation
- AM AMS-E&M : Aeronautical Maintenance and Support - Engineering & Management
- AM ASAA : Aviation Safety Aircraft Airworthiness
- AM EMS : Embedded Systems (managed by INP - ENSEEIHT)
- AM HADA : Helicopter, Aircraft, and Drone Architecture
- AM IEM/MGPIE :ManaGement de Projets Innovants et Entrepreneuriat
- AM SEN : System ENgineering
- AM SPA : Systèmes de Propulsion Aérospatiale
- AM SPAPS : SPace APplications and Services
- AM TAS Astro : Space Systems Engineering
- TAS Aero : Aeronautical Engineering
*Conditions of eligibility for funding from the Region:
- registration with France Travail with or without jobless alllowance
- validation with France Travail of resumption of university studies within the framework of the "Projet Personnalisé d’Accès à l’Emploi" (Personalized Employment Access Project, PPAE)
For eligible and selected learners : full funding of the Advanced Masters tuition fees by ISAE-SUPAERO and Région Occitanie. A monthly allowance from Région Occitanie can also be applied for (under conditions).
More information about Forpro Sup funding scheme on the dedicated website (only in French).
Number of financial supports limited.
Compte Personnel de Formation (CPF)
Please check the French version of this page to have futher information on this French funding scheme (eligible programs, contact...).