Témoignages de nos étudiants internationaux

Qui de mieux que nos étudiants internationaux eux-mêmes pour vous parler de la vie en France et des études à l’ISAE-SUPAERO ? Le projet Limitless regroupe un éventail d’étudiants internationaux qui abordent leur quotidien à Toulouse et sur le campus de l’ISAE-SUPAERO.

Suivez cinq étudiants à l’ISAE-SUPAERO. Arthur, Kittinan, Marie-Laure, Valentine et Mohamed sont heureux de vous présenter leur quotidien sur le campus !

Témoignages de cinq étudiants internationaux


Titulaire d’une licence en ingénierie aérospatiale obtenue à l’université fédérale du Minas Gerais, à Belo Horizonte (Brésil), cet étudiant brésilien s’est inscrit à l’ISAE-SUPAERO de Toulouse afin de suivre le Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering.

Cet équilibre entre le beau temps, les gens sympathiques et toute cette technologie autour, c’est le mélange parfait.

Arthur, 27yo, student of the Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering !




9 avril 2021

We have students that are from all over the world, and they all live unique & different experiences on the campus.
Arthur is 27yo and is from Brazil ! He is studying in the
Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering at ISAE-SUPAERO (one of the world leader aerospace engineering schools in higher education), with a major in aerospace structures. In case you didn’t know, our Master of Science is internationally renowned and highly regarded as an innovative program in science and technologies !
Good weather and friendly people, that’s all Arthur was looking for... No, just kidding ! What he likes the most about ISAE-SUPAERO ? The combo of having a healthy life while studying hard. Also, being surrounded by international people, high-tech stuff, big green spaces and benefiting from a good insertion in the job market definitely played a role in his choice !
Discover more of ISAE-SUPAERO’s aerospace engineering degrees.


Âgé de 25 ans et titulaire d’un diplôme en ingénierie aérospatiale obtenu à l’ISAE-SUPAERO, ce Thaïlandais est actuellement en master d’ingénierie système.

Ils m’aident beaucoup avec toute la documentation, ce qui facilite mon adaptation à ce nouvel environnement.

Kittinan, 25yo, student of the Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering !




19 avril 2021

We have students that are from all over the world and they all live unique & different experiences on the campus.
Kittinan is 25yo and is from Thaïland ! He is studying in the
Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering at ISAE-SUPAERO (one of the world leader aerospace engineering schools in higher education), with a major in #aerospace​ structures.
In case you didn’t know, our Master of Science is internationally renowned and highly regarded as an innovative program in science and technologies !
Should you need more info about this program : https://www.isae-supaero.fr/en/academics/MSc/isae-supaero-master-s-degree-msc/
Contact us at : info-masters chez isae-supaero.fr
Next application deadline : May 25th.
Discover more of ISAE-SUPAERO’s aerospace engineering degrees.

VUYGE Marie-Laure

Marie-Laure a 22 ans et vient de Belgique. Titulaire d’un diplôme en ingénierie chimique et en sciences des matériaux, elle suit le Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering à l’ISAE-SUPAERO.

Le master regroupe beaucoup de gens du monde entier, cela a été une véritable révélation pour moi.

HABRARD Valentine

Après avoir obtenu une licence en sciences physiques à l’université McGill, Valentine est arrivée à Toulouse en vue de suivre le Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering à l’ISAE-SUPAERO. À 22 ans, elle est actuellement en stage à Lierbherr-Aerospace Toulouse SAS.

Ils proposent de nombreux cours d’introduction, ce qui me permet d’apprendre tous les domaines de l’aéronautique et de me spécialiser ensuite.

Valentine, 23yo, student of the Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering

Valentine HABRARD



15 avril 2021

We have students that are from all over the world and they all live unique & different experiences on the campus. Valentine is 23yo and is from both France and the United States of America ! She is studying in the Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering at ISAE-SUPAERO, with a major in #aerospace​ systems and control. In case you didn’t know, our Master of Science is internationally renowned and highly regarded as an innovative program in science and technologies !
One of our top advantages is our strong link to the aerospace #industry, as mentioned by Valentine ! A lot of the research projects conducted on campus are directly linked to our industrial partners and make great opportunities for our students. Add to that the ease of travelling in Europe, and it’s a win win for everyone !
Should you need more info about this program : https://www.isae-supaero.fr/en
Contact us at : info-masters chez isae-supaero.fr
Next application deadline : April 19th.
Discover more of ISAE-SUPAERO’s aerospace engineering degrees.


D’origine égyptienne, Mohamed poursuit actuellement un master en ingénierie aérospatiale à l’ISAE-SUPAERO après avoir obtenu une licence en ingénierie aérospatiale à l’ISAE-SUPAERO.

ISAE-SUPAERO a un lien très fort avec les industries. Ils ont beaucoup de partenariats avec les grandes entreprises de l’aérospatial.

Mohamed, 24yo, student of the Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering




26 avril 2021

We have students that are from all over the world and they all live unique & different experiences on the campus. Mohamed is 24yo and is from Egypt ! He is studying in the #Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering at ISAE-SUPAERO (one of the world leader aerospace engineering schools in higher education), with a major in embedded systems. In case you didn’t know, our Master of Science is internationally renowned and highly regarded as an innovative program in science and technologies !
If like Mohamed, you are conquered by Toulouse, European Capital of Aeronautics and Space, city located between sea and mountains that offers an exceptional environment and outstanding quality of life, ranked as one of the Top Fifty most attractive cities worldwide for students... why are you still hesitating ?
Next application deadline : May 25th.
Discover more of ISAE-SUPAERO’s aerospace engineering degrees.

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