Space Applications and Services Advanced Master by ISAE-SUPAERO & Airbus Defense and Space
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The Space Applications and Services Advanced Master (MS SPAPS) at ISAE-SUPAERO is co-designed with Airbus Defense and Space.
The Space Applications and Services Advanced Master (MS SPAPS) at ISAE-SUPAERO is co-designed with Airbus Defense and Space.
It provides the required skills to master and develop space applications in Earth’s environment monitoring and telecommunications which play a predominant role today for sustainable development.
Discover the competencies acquired, the domains of application, the job opportunities provided by this Advanced Master presented by Heloïse Scheer, the Head of the Airbus Space Academy at Airbus Defence and Space and Raphael Garcia, the Head of the program at ISAE-SUPAERO.
Next application deadline: april 19th
Contact: info-masters at