A World Sailing champion at the ISAE-SUPAERO!
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Maëlenn Lemaitre, an Advanced Master student in Aerospace Project Management at the ISAE-SUPAERO have bagged consecutively the titles of French National Champion and World Champion in the sport of Sailing along with her team. These challenges have been surmounted during the same period of her studies at ISAE-SUPAERO.

In November 2017, Maëlenn clinched the French National Championship title in the female category during the race at Antibes. This competition comprised racing in the team of 4 in monocoques sails of 7.50m. Moreover, it was with the same team "Match in Pink" that Maëlenn participated in the last leg of the WIMS Series (The last leg of the Female World Sailing Championship) from 12 to 16 December 2017 in Bédanne (Normandy). Her tactical skills at the adjusting of the mainsail boosted the team to finish at the podium.
According to Maëlenn: " The last leg was really intense. We had two objectives: to win the leg and also to become the world number 1. We progressed all along the week and took each match at a time. The final was really tight but we were successful in skillfully tackling the problems while being concentrated and united! This was an amazing victory, part of it is indebted to our supporters being there for us all throughout the week. Performing at the "home ground" add definitely a little bit of pressure but gives also lot of force and pleasure, especially when the victory is the final destination."
Thankfully to a customized academic time-table permitting her to participate in these competition and to the training facilities on the campus that helped her to prepare herself each day physically, Maëlenn was able to continue her career of an athlete and of a student at ISAE-SUPAERO.
Next step for Maëlenn comprises something of a big: The Olympics 2020 at Tokyo. This time, it is supposed to be in pairs, on board of a dinghy 470. In this Olympic adventure, Maëlenn is looking for sports and professional partners.
All it remains is to wish Maëlenn… Bon vent, belle mer.