Semester Research Project

You are interested in coming at ISAE-SUPAERO for a Master Thesis or internship for a full semester?

First contact a Professor or a Researcher at an ISAE-SUPAERO department

  • You can find here the research activities of ISAE-SUPAERO.
  • You can find here the list of subjects.

Once you have been selected by a Professor or Researcher, please contact us with the name of the Professor/Researcher and the thesis/internship description : international at

Welcome to France!

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ISAE-SUPAERO has obtained, the "Welcome to France" Label, granted by the agency Campus France, with a maximum three stars level, attesting to the quality of international students welcome.

This label is used to promote and communicate about the higher eductaion institutions and to attest to the quality and accessibility of the information, the offer of programs, the teaching follow-up, the housing, the campus quality of life and the post-graduate follow-up of the international students.

To know more about it.

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