Advanced Master Artificial Intelligence & Business Transformation (AM AIBT)
Whether you’re a professional or a student, would you like to specialize in data management and take up a booming career (data scientist, Machine Learning project manager, Chief Digital Officer, data evangelist...)?
The Advanced Master Artificial Intelligence and Business Transformation (MS AIBT) is an ISAE-SUPAERO program accredited by the “Conférence des Grandes Ecoles (CGE)” under n°1193.
RNCP renewal in progress

Benefit from a strong partnership with TBS Education and IRT Saint Exupéry. This program is taught by AI experts, often professionals from different fields (aerospace, IT, automotive, research, etc.). Secondly, the practicals (Hands On) and the AI certification, robustness and dependability aspects, taught by teachers from IRT Saint-Exupéry, which confront students with concrete problems and industry challenges. Finally, teachers from TBS Education who share their expertise with students on change management as well as the business and legal aspects of AI, preparing students to create value with AI.
A training dedicated to professionals and students

You are interested in Artificial Intelligence? Our Advanced Master in Artificial Intelligence provides a solid culture in AI, big data and machine learning.
Upon completion, learners will be able to manage:
- Projects involving AI technologies and data science,
- Teams with AI skill sets and carrying out AI-related jobs such as big data engineers, data analysts, data miners or data scientists at an operational, intermediate or strategic level.
We committed since 2011 in training AI professionals: we are particularly targeting professionals who graduated before the “AI wave” and we coordinate our training actions in the ANITI ecosystem (Artificial Intelligence Toulouse Institute) which gathers industry actors and universities.
The Advanced Master Artificial Intelligence and Business Transformation can be financed by the regional scheme ForPro Sup.
It is accessible to:
students continuing their studies (after their initial training)
professionals, willing to enhance their skills with Executive Education, whether it is a corporate or an individual initiative.

The Advanced Master in Artificial Intelligence & Business Transformation, accredited by the "Conférence des Grandes Ecoles" (top Engineering and Business schools French federation) under n°1193, is proposed in cooperation with ANITI, TBS Education and l’IRT Saint-Exupery
If you want to know more about course schedule, job opportunities, topics covered or application process... download the AM AIBT leaflet !
The Advanced Master is accessible to persons with disabilities (PSH).
In the event that a learner is in a situation of disability, his or her needs (whatever they are educational, material, technical, human, etc.) are taken into account by the ISAE-SUPAERO’s Disability Advisor. ISAE-SUPAERO provides the expertise, the tools, and the networks needed to facilitate the access to premises and resources, to prepare certifications and take examinations.
Let’s discover our current learners’ viewpoints!
Take a look at Mehdi, Noémie, and Baptiste’s viewpoints about the program!

Le Mastère Spécialisé® AI & Business Transformation vu par des participants au programme
Le Mastère Spécialisé® AI & Business Transformation vu par des participants au programme
13 April 2022
Le Mastère Spécialisé® AIBT combine des cours académiques, des sessions pratiques et une expérience professionnelle pour préparer aux emplois en plein essor de l’IA tels que : Chef de projet en intelligence artificielle et science des données, Senior Data Scientist, Leader de la transformation basée sur les données....
Plus d’infos sur la page du MS :
French speaker?
ave a look at the replay of Advanced Master in Artificial Intelligence & Business Transformation webinar!

Mastère Spécialisé® AIBT - Artificial Intelligence & Business Transformation
Mastère Spécialisé® AIBT - Artificial Intelligence & Business Transformation
3 February 2023
Regardez à nouveau le webinaire consacré au Mastère Spécialisé® AIBT - Artificial Intelligence & Business Transformation pour lequel les candidatures sont toujours ouvertes :
Career opportunities
The Advanced Master Artificial Intelligence and Business Transformation combines academic courses, hands-on sessions and professional experience. Data is everywhere, so areas of application are very diverse: aeronautics, spatial, web, insurance, banking, automotive industry, robotics, energy…
The goal for executives, students, and apprentices is to get top level opportunities in data transformation and management such as:
• Artificial Intelligence and data science Project Manager
• AI-driven transformation Leader
• Data value creation Leader
• Data evangelist
Be curious and show an interest in space applications! You’ll also need to be able to understand, implement and use data processing tools. Finally, keep an open mind about space applications. This sector is generally little-known, even though it offers high added value and therefore needs bright new engineers.
Apply now
to the AIBT Advanced Master !