Ahmed Reda, Egypte - MAE Structures Aérospatiales

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Ahmed Reda, Egypte - MAE Structures Aérospatiales
2:50 min

19 février 2020

Ahmed Reda, Egypte - MAE Structures Aérospatiales

This two years Master program, highly regarded as an innovative program in science and technologies, fully taught in English, is designed to prepare engineering students to find and develop solutions to today’s and tomorrow’s challenges facing the world and the aerospace industry.
With a strong and a large spectrum of knowledge it offers a tailored curriculum with a research project, several specializations and a master thesis.
We have recorded several testimonies of our Master of Science graduates students, where they have shared their different experiences at ISAE SUPAERO.
Meet Ahmed Reda from Egypt, major Aerospace Structures major.


This two years Master program, highly regarded as an innovative program in science and technologies, fully taught in English, is designed to prepare engineering students to find and develop solutions to today’s and tomorrow’s challenges facing the world and the aerospace industry.

With a strong and a large spectrum of knowledge it offers a tailored curriculum with a research project, several specializations and a master thesis.

We have recorded several testimonies of our Master of Science graduates students, where they have shared their different experiences at ISAE SUPAERO.

Meet Ahmed Reda from Egypt, major Aerospace Structures major.

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