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ISAE-SUPAERO Platform for Mechanical Characterisation of Materials

ISAE-SUPAERO Platform for Mechanical Characterisation of Materials

ISAE-SUPAERO - as a center for training through #research, research training and #innovation - has a wealth of research equipment used within its 6 research departments.
Today, we present the DMSM’s Platform for Mechanical Characterisation of Materials.
ISAE-SUPAERO’s Department of Mechanics, Structures, and Materials (DMSM) has a number of conventional test facilities on the Institute’s campus, enabling it to carry out a wide range of mechanical characterization tests on structural materials, under both quasi-static and fatigue conditions.
A wide range of instrumentation: video bi-extensometer, image stereo-correlation, thermal camera, high-speed camera, etc., enhance the measurements collected during the tests.
These test facilities are used as part of ISAE-SUPAERO’s various training courses, as well as for the research activities of the Department’s professors and researchers.

2:40 min

14 June 2024

ISAE-SUPAERO Platform for Mechanical Characterisation of Materials ISAE-SUPAERO

ISAE-SUPAERO - as a center for training through #research, research training and #innovation - has a wealth of research equipment used within its 6 research departments.
Today, we present the DMSM’s Platform for Mechanical Characterisation of Materials.
ISAE-SUPAERO’s Department of Mechanics, Structures, and Materials (DMSM) has a number of conventional test facilities on the Institute’s campus, enabling it to carry out a wide range of mechanical characterization tests on structural materials, under both quasi-static and fatigue conditions.
A wide range of instrumentation: video bi-extensometer, image stereo-correlation, thermal camera, high-speed camera, etc., enhance the measurements collected during the tests.
These test facilities are used as part of ISAE-SUPAERO’s various training courses, as well as for the research activities of the Department’s professors and researchers.

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