Discover the portrait of Adrien Laffont PhD student at ISAE-SUPAERO
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Adrien is a PhD student in theElectronics, Optronics and Signal Department - DEOS.
The subject of his thesis is: "Plasma-based electrically small antenna"
He is affiliated with OLIMPES doctoral research team - Optronics, laser, physical imagery and space environment. His thesis is funded by The Defense Innovation Agency (AID) and DGA, the French Defence Procurement Agency and the Occitan region. He has two thesis director, Romain Pascaud (ISAE-SUPAERO) and Olivier Pascal (LAPLACE).
ISAE-SUPAERO welcomes its doctoral students in six ISAE-SUPAERO, ONERA teams and Clément Ader Institute, covering a wide spectrum of scientific disciplines related to aeronautics and space: aerodynamics and propulsion, structures and materials, embedded systems, networks and telecommunications, control and management of systems, human factors, electronics, signal.
ISAE-SUPAERO offers a rich and diversified program of doctoral training, leading to the PhD, the highest degree awarded by the institute, and recognized internationally.