Disability, diversity, equality, prevention of harassment, discrimination and sexual and gender-based violence

ISAE-SUPAERO is committed to inclusion.

The institute is committed to training future managers who are responsible, supportive and respectful, and to ensuring a professional environment based on these values of solidarity and respect between the different people who work and study there.

Discover the flyer “Studying successfully at ISAE-SUPAERO despite a health problem, it’s possible!


Welcome of disabled people at ISAE-SUPAERO

By appointing a disability correspondent, the ISAE-SUPAERO engineering school has chosen to offer an identified service, guaranteeing a personalized and permanent welcome. This service is aimed at students and staff with disabilities. In addition to his or her information mission, the correspondent coordinates the means implemented :

  • to facilitate the living and studying conditions of students, to improve their reception and integration and to help them face their difficulties. Download the brochure on disabled students.
  • This brochure is designed to improve the integration of disabled staff and facilitate the resolution of difficulties relating to the adaptation of their workstation. It provides them with information on the assistance available to them. It directs them, whenever necessary, to the services likely to find a solution to their problems.

Contact by email.

GUIDE A Support for students with disabilities

image guide Handicap


ISAE-SUPAERO encourages diversity!

Our aeronautical school is mobilized to fight against discrimination mainly based on gender, race or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation in order to live well together in diversity.

Prevention of acts of harassment, discrimination & sexist and sexual violence

ISAE-SUPAERO says stop to harassment, discrimination, sexist and sexual violence!

The aerospace school ISAE-SUPAERO has set up a plan to fight against harassment, discrimination and sexist and sexual violence, which includes many information and prevention actions for staff and students.

This plan also provides for the active reception and listening of victims and witnesses of harassment, discrimination and sexist and sexual violence, in order to free up their voices and take action so that these acts do not go unchallenged.

Contact the local support unit:

Contact of the THEMIS cell of the Ministère des Armées:

  • By tel: 09 88 68 55 55

Download here the leaflet on the prevention of harassment, discrimination, sexist and sexual violence in French and in English.

Equality between women and men

ISAE-SUPAERO is mobilizing to promote equality between women and men

For several years now, ISAE-SUPAERO has been mobilizing in favor of equality between women and men, through the ISAE-SUPAERO Foundation, its equal opportunity program "OSE l’ISAE-SUPAERO", its staff and of course its students.

In November 2020, a 2021-2023 action plan for professional equality between women and men was validated and a pair of equality/mixity referents appointed. This plan deploys measures that are primarily aimed at ISAE-SUPAERO’s staff, but some of them are also aimed at all of its students and employees.

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