DMSM means and ressources


In 2017, the DMSM counted on average 60 permanent staff members or associates, including 15 teacher-researchers or research engineers of which 9 HDR staff (Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches - authorization to conduct research), 2 guest professors (US, Canada), 18 members of the technical and administrative team. When M2R and post-doctoral internships and PhD students are included, the number of staff in the DMSM department reaches the figure of some 90 research staff divided between the ISAE-SUPAERO site and the Institut Clément Ader (UMR CNRS 5312).

Three teams work together to ensure the department functions smoothly:
• a scientific team,
• an administrative and technical team broken down into
o a testing and analysis team,
o a production team.

The DMSM is directed by the Department Head, Laurent MICHEL, assisted by Ms. Marie-Odile MONSU.


The scientific team carries out teaching and research activities. The courses given primarily at ISAE-SUPAERO are described in the DMSM training offer. The research activities feed three scientific themes strongly anchored in three of the four groups at the Institut Clément Ader (UMR CNRS 5312, MSC, MS2M, and SUMO), and two transversal themes led by ISAE-RECHERCHE. Contacts: Laurent MICHEL.

Interactions with the administrative and technical team is performed both through teaching and research. Composite manufacturing courses, for example, are offered in the 2nd and 3rd year of engineering training and in the framework of PREX (experimental practices work). These courses are based on dual overseeing by the scientific team and the manufacturing and testing-measurement-control teams. They enable future engineers to link up scientific teachings to the reality in the field, and to very concretely manipulate the structures and materials they are sizing. This duality is also the framework offered to all ISAE-SUPAERO students for academic research, innovation, and creativity projects.


The technical and administrative team is organized around a Testing and Analysis team and a Production team, each supervised by a technical manager. The teams are placed under the authority of the Department Head, at the service of ISAE-SUPAERO and in particular the DMSM department’s research activities.


The team for the materials and structures testing and analysis platform has a set of platforms and other resources, with some remarkable experimental facilities. The equipment is distributed between the ISAE SUPAERO campus and the Toulouse Montaudran site of the Institut Clément Ader(ICA UMR CNRS 5312). Contacts: Laurent MICHEL, Michel LABARRERE, Thierry MARTIN.


The manufacturing team composed of ten qualified personnel carry out design and mechanical and composite manufacturing missions. These activities meet the technological and experimental needs of ISAE-SUPAERO. The manufacturing team manages the workshop and places its qualified staff at the service of all ISAE-SUPAERO departments, their research activities and projects, in particular for academic or research projects carried out by the DMSM scientific team. This team is based on the ISAE-SUPAERO campus. Contacts: Laurent MICHEL, Daniel GAGNEUX, Thierry FAURE.


The DMSM department has conventional manufacturing, experimentation and analysis facilities that are made available to students and researchers from the Institut Clément Ader (UMR CNRS 5312) and ISAE-SUPAERO. More specific and noteworthy resources have also been developed and studied for research purposes.



• A mechanical testing platform: static tests 10kN to 100kN, fatigue tests 2.5kN to 250kN, structural tests,
• A dynamic testing platform: vibration testing, Hopkinson bars,
• An Analysis and Control platform: electron and optical microscopy, ultrasonic NDT, metrology (3D scanning, surface states, durometers),
• An instrumentation platform: fast cameras, stereo-image correlation (optical extensometer), fast acquisitions, measurement sensors.

Specific equipment and assemblies may be developed to work with these facilities for special one-off experiments.



> A10kN vibrator for vibration testing, equipped with a laser vibrometer with derotator: The vibrator is ideal for vibration and mechanical shock testing using sinusoidal, random or transient excitation. The frequency range is from 5 Hz to 3,000 Hz.

Photo: Academic project “EntrySat” mechanical model vibration tested at DMSM/ICA vibration facility.

> Gas launchers for rapid impact of ball bearings on materials and structures, 150 m/s, 30 kJ, equipped with fast cameras: this equipment enables the dynamics of the impact to be studied and the penetration or perforation resistance performance of materials and structures to be assessed.


> Drop towers including a high tower for instrumented impact on materials and structures, height 6m, 10 m/s, guided carriages from 2kg to 250kg, 14.7 kJ: this equipment is used for impact or crushing tests at low speed on materials or small structures. A guided carriage impacts or carries a specimen structure to the bottom of the fall path. Several assemblies are available depending on the testing subject: standardized impacts, crash, dynamic compression…

Photo: Research project “crushing of composite plates under low velocity loading” (ANR VULCOMPI, VULCOMPII)


> A space vacuum chamber to test the behavior of space materials and components under a thermal vacuum: in space conditions (secondary vacuum 10-6 mbar and temperature −80°C to +150°C), the behavior of electronic equipment or materials in operation is assessed.

Photo: Space vacuum chamber


> A nanoindenter to characterize the surface layers of materials, 0.1 to 500mN: it is used to determine the mechanical properties (hardness and elastic modulus) of thin films, coatings, and substrates on most materials.

Photo: Nanoindenter


The DMSM department has servers and calculation stations running LINUX and Windows environments and access through theInstitut Clément Ader (UMR CNRS 5312) to the CALMIP calculation center for massively parallel computing.

The DMSM department uses the commercial calculation codes of its research partners and in-house codes for its own scientific evaluation or non-intrusive coupling needs: Abaqus ®, Nastran ®, Samcef ®, Radioss ®, LS-Dyna ®, Europlexus ®, Impetus Afea Solver ®.

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