Economy and Management

page eco LACS-EN

1st Year


  • Introduction to business (20h)
  • Introduction to accounting (20h)
  • Ariane business game


  • Introduction law (15h) and labour law (15h)
  • Financing arrangements (15h) Private Equity (15h)
  • The Consultancy Profession (30h) Sequence 3
  • Business creation project (30h) Sequence 3
  • Industrial property rights (15h). Tax law(15h) .
  • Introduction to Marketing + BtoB marketing

2nd year


  • Economics and strategy in the space sector
  • Economics and strategy in the aeronautical sector
  • Introduction to economics
  • Analysis of an economic sector


  • The Consultancy Profession (30h) Sequence 3
  • Business creation project (30h)

3rd year

Gap year – Specialization, to acquire a combination of expertise

  • Finance sector
  • DESIA : know-how, and soft skills
  • Double degree path

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Degree of Higher Education in Business Engineering is a degree offered to students coming from engineering programmes and before their end of year internship. The goal is to increase awareness that performance in the company is both collective and individual.

DESIA is divided into 3 stages:

  • Phase 1 of students selection: using a video and a covering letter, with a curriculum vitae.
  • Phase 2 of the common core: this stage is organized around two axes : the transfert of know-how, and soft skills :

- The first axis is based on the teaching of the academic fundamentals in the principal fields of management (corporation financing, accounting, financial analysis, corporate finance, management control, marketing, strategic management and , labour law). These courses are given by teachers at the Graduate School of Trade and University.

- The second axise, in parallel with the teaching of the first axis, is based upon an assignment on the development of attitudes and behaviours. Support is given by psychologists, and professional company coaches.

This step of the common core ends with three high points:

- A strategic audit assignment on a case proposed and supervised by Consultancy Firm Roland Berger.
- A day of cases on mergers-acquisitions organized by a partner from Deloitte Consultancy.
- A management simulation game.

  • Phase 3 of teaching on specific occupations : centred on project management techniques lean management, design to cost, consultancy methods (operational consulting, strategic consulting…). These courses are taught by consultants from big consultancy firms, most of whom are alumini.

The final oral presentation:

The culminating point of the programme, the final oral, concludes the DESIA programme. It consists of a case study in business strategy (situation diagnostics or decisions, and recommendations). Each team, formed during the group dynamic seminar, finds an industrial sponsor who will coach them during the preparation of the case.

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