Theory, Modeling, and Systems Engineering group (ThéMIS)

The ThéMIS group (Theory, Modeling, and Systems Engineering) is dedicated to studying and developing advanced methods for the design, modeling, and validation of complex systems.

Our mission is to address the challenges of designing increasingly integrated, autonomous, and critical systems by combining theoretical research, modeling methodologies, and engineering processes.

ThéMIS aims to develop robust and innovative solutions through an interdisciplinary approach integrating modeling, optimization, and validation. We collaborate with academic and industrial partners to meet the needs of critical sectors and prepare the technologies of tomorrow.

Scientific Focus Areas


  • Preliminary design of complex systems and design space exploration
  • Architecture and trade-off analysis
  • Model semantics and formal methods for verification and validation (V&V)
  • System resilience (e.g., obsolescence risk identification)
  • Technology roadmapping and forecasting


  • Model-based systems engineering (MBSE)
  • Links with model-based safety analysis (MBSA) and multidisciplinary design analysis and optimization (MDAO)
  • Model transformation and integration of validation and verification tools

Engineering Processes

  • Integration of MBSE methodologies with product lifecycle management (PLM) and lifecycle analysis (LCA)


The team’s expertise is applied to a wide range of critical and innovative systems:

  • Space systems
    - Ground segment
    - Vehicles (e.g., Mars rover, ATV)
    - Satellites
  • Autonomous Vehicles
    - Drones, robots, intelligent cars
  • Complex Socio-Technical Systems
    - Infrastructure management, human-machine interaction
  • Critical Embedded and Cyber-Physical Systems
    - Security, reliability, and performance in constrained environments


  • Industrial Partners: ESA, GMV, ONERA, Thales, CNES, CSTB
  • Academic Partners: Telecom Paris, Vérimag (Université Grenoble-Alpes), TU Delft, MIT, TUM

Project highlights

  • DGA-AID CONCORDE: New methods for design, analysis, and qualification to ensure drone certification
  • ESA MoC4Space: Formal verification methods for space systems. Development of a model checker integrated into ESA’s TASTE development platform (, in collaboration with UGA/Verimag, GMV and ESA/ESTEC
  • Chair on "Integrated Air Transport Systems" in collaboration with Thales Group

Connection with ISAE-SUPAERO’s Academic Programs

The members of the ThéMIS group contribute to the training programs at ISAE-SUPAERO, including the general engineering curriculum, the apprenticeship engineering program, the Master of Aerospace Engineering (MAE), and various Advanced Master’s programs (MS). The group manages the "Systems Engineering" Major within the MAE (approximately 30 students per cohort) and the "Systems Engineering" MS (approximately 10 students per cohort).

The group’s members are also involved in other roles, such as leading the "Systems" Doctoral School at the University of Toulouse.

Contact Us

To learn more about our work or to explore collaboration opportunities, please feel free to reach out to us.

Theses in progress:

- MBOKO Jonathan : Evaluation de sécurité de grands systèmes distribués et reconfigurables
- MATHOU Charles : Cadre méthodologique global d’analyse de sécurité des systèmes drones
- SARR Abdoulaye : Analyse et optimisation multidisciplinaire d’un avion à hydrogène.
- STROBBE Charlotte : Conception de systèmes autour de l’utilisateur alliant MBSE et HSI
- GALLOIS Augustin : Eco-Conception d’un Habitat Lunaire
- BEAUDOIN-BUSSIÈRES Ariane : Forecasting pour l’innovation technologique duale dans les écosystèmes stratégiques
- GAO Haochen : Participatory design tools and systemic methods for multimodal air-rail systems
- MORDEL Valentin : Tolérance aux fautes et reconfiguration fiable dans une architecture automobile HPC/ZCU
- CIETTO Maisa : Identification et modélisation des inefficacités du système de transport aérien

Theses defended:

- LEMOUSSU Sophie : Une approche basée sur les modèles pour les PMEs innovantes de l’industrie aéronautique
- SCHWARTZ Sébastien : Couplage simulation déterministe et non-déterministe pour la maintenance prédictive
- MONTERO JIMENEZ Juan José : Réutilisation des connaissances pour l’amélioration de l’architecture des systèmes pour la maintenance prédictive
- VIDOT Eric-Guillaume : Vers la certification des systèmes avioniques basés sur l’apprentissage automatique : exploitation des preuves mathématiques pour garantir la fiabilité
- AKRIM Anass : Prédiction de durées de vie restante de composants aéronautiques par des approches de deep learning
- AIELLO Ombeline : Validation anticipée de conceptions de systèmes par une approche d’ingénierie conjointe basée modèles et optimisation
- SALAS CORDERO Sophia : Premières phases de la conception de systèmes complexes : considérations d’obsolescence du point de vue du MBSE
- RAZAFIMAHAZO Eric : Approche d’Ingénierie Système pour concevoir des systèmes multi-usages en mission à l’intérieur de bâtiments
- GAUTHIER Morgan : Optimisation architectural d’applications automobiles sur composants MpSoC
- BORNES Laetitia : L’ingénierie des systèmes interactifs entre science du design et design comme science

Group members:

• Jean-Charles CHAUDEMAR (Teacher-Researcher)
Professionnal page.

• Nasrine DAMOUCHE (Post-doctoral researcher)
Professionnal page.

• Iulian OBER (Teacher-Researcherr, HDR)
Professionnal page.

• Pierre de SAQUI-SANNES (Teacher-Researcher, HDR)
Professionnal page.

• Rob VINGERHOEDS (Teacher-Researcher, HDR)
Professionnal page.

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