Short courses - Space

Our qualifying short courses mainly stem from our Institute’s Advanced Masters programs. They are designed for professionals willing to enhance targeted skills in few days.
- You can access the training period and tariffs in this document.
- Please contact the Executive Education team (info.exed at at least 4 weeks before the courses begin (6 weeks for January courses) in order to apply. If a visa is required, we recommend you to anticipate the application.


The courses IS415, IS431 et IS453 can only be attended within the IS1 Certificate of Advanced Studies

These courses are parts of our Certificates of Advanced Studies in Space field more information here

Application deadline: 4 weeks before the beginning of the course (6 weeks for January courses) contacting our Executive Education team. If you need a visa, we recommend you to anticipate your application.

Our programs are accessible to persons with disabilities

Learners in a situation of disability may have specific needs (on educational, material, technical, human.... dimensions) to attend our training programs. If you are in this situation, do not hesitate to contact the ISAE-SUPAERO’s Disability Advisor Laurence Ballarin, in order to discuss with her your situation. She provides an individual and confidential support and coordinates the required actions and tools implementation along with pedagogical teams.

Contact : Laurence Ballarin - +33 (5) 61 33 89 88 - laurence.ballarin at


Jessica ALIX
Executive Education Senior Promotion Manager & Advisor (B2C)

Thibault BREMAUD
Executive Education Business Engineer (B2B)

info.exed at


for certificates and short courses


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