The Institute for Sustainable Aviation (ISA) website is online!
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The Institute for Sustainable Aviation (ISA) website is officially online!
Discover ISA’s vision for the future of aviation:
Institute for Sustainable Aviation
The Institute for Sustainable Aviation is an interdisciplinary research institute located in Occitania, open to collaborative research actions in the region and beyond. This leading European-wide collaborative structure promotes interdisciplinary research for a sustainable future for aviation.
"We aim for impact science with peer-reviewed publications, prospective studies for institutional and private actors, and participation in governance bodies."
The vision
At the heart of the regional aeronautical metropolis, the Institute for Sustainable Aviation (ISA) aims to address the issue of aviation sustainability by implementing interdisciplinary research at the interface of social sciences and humanities, financial and industrial economics, aerospace engineering and flight operations, transport and environmental laws and regulations, energetics and atmospheric physics.
The research
The particularity of ISA’s research lies in the balance of disciplinary contributions between human and social sciences and exact or engineering sciences. This balance allows a global approach to highlight the interactions between the socio-economic causal sphere and the techno-physical sphere that lead human societies towards alternative futures for energy and aviation.
The people
The Institute for Sustainable Aviation is a collaborative research institute placed under the governance of eight Toulouse-based institutions. These eight institutions are ISAE-SUPAERO, the Toulouse School of Economics, the Université Toulouse 1 Capitole, ENAC, the Toulouse Business School, Météo-France, Cerfacs and the Université Toulouse 2 Jean-Jaurès. This initiative aims to consolidate research strengths, their visibility and their interdisciplinary articulation within the relationship between Science and Society.