Sponsorship agreement: GIFAS renews its commitment
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ISAE-SUPAERO and the three other schools in Groupe ISAE, l’ISAE-ENSMA, l’École de l’air and l’ESTACA, have signed a second sponsorship agreement with GIFAS –Groupement des Industries Françaises Aéronautiques et Spatiales (an industry wide organization representing Aerospace companies).
The objective of the agreement is to develop high level academic and professional teaching in Europe in aerospace systems, to foster social diversity and to raise youth awareness of jobs in this ever-more innovative sector.
The renewed GIFAS-Groupe ISAE partnership which was first created in 2015, includes an ambitious project to develop a genuine digital Groupe ISAE campus, inter-connecting students, faculty and researchers. The creation of a common digital platform shall facilitate collaborative work in all fields. In 2017, the focus shall be on producing common digital teaching and learning resources.
This sponsorship agreement consolidates the actions that have been carried out in recent years by the four institutions in Groupe ISAE.
Already completed actions include:
- Groupe ISAE has developed, in close collaboration with industry, student projects in line with challenges facing the aerospace industry such as the Euroglider project, an innovative project to design a two seater electric propulsion glider.
- The group also fosters bridges between the four member schools For example, every year the « Mobility Week », allows students to fully immerse themselves in a school of their choice within the group. They can experience a new program or specialization.
- GIFAS helps finance income-determined grants to Groupe ISAE students as well as excellence grants.
This renewed partnership shall help ISAE Groupe remain competitive with the finest international universities and attract the best international students.