Scholarships Deadline for Master of Science Aerospace Engineering: December 10th 2018.

Available online :

Applications for our financial aids are still open and there is less than two weeks to apply for them.


ISAE-SUPAERO offers several scholarships for applicants of the Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering:

- The ISAE-SUPAERO Foundation fellowship,
- The fellowship associated with the Chair for Eco Design of Aircraft ( CEDAR ) by Airbus,
-  MBDA Program of Excellence for India - Sponsored by the French Embassy in India,
-  MBDA Program of Excellence for Indonesia,
-  GIFAS Program of Excellence,
- The fellowship of the Chair ARISE by THALES,
-  EIFFEL Scholarship.

Scholarship Eligibility: Applicant must apply to the Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering with all documents required before December 10th 2018 to be able to apply for the financial aid.

Scholarship Criteria: Each applicant must:
- Have a cumulative GPA of 3, or average mark ≥ 75%, or average mark ≥ 12/20,
- Express a motivation letter for each scholarship that applicant is applying to,
- Provide at least two references by submitting two Recommendation Forms (for the TSAE Scholarship).

Required forms: All required application materials should be made online, after complete and submitted an application in the Master of Science of Aerospace Engineering.

Scholarship Results: mid-February 2019, for TSAE and Eiffel Scholarship: March 2019.

Following the criteria and the timelines is very important as late or incomplete applications will not be considered.

Still have questions? Please visit our Financial Aid page for additional information or contact mikael.le-roux at

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