DAUR ranking: ISAE-SUPAERO 7th best engineering school in France!
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ISAE-SUPAERO moves up two places from last year to joint 7th place in the DAUR rankings! DAUR, an independent platform, publishes an annual ranking of 185 French engineering schools, based on relevant criteria and a robust methodology.
A AAA rating for ISAE-SUPAERO, which features prominently in the DAUR ranking of engineering schools 2023! With a final score of 73, our Institute ranks joint 7th with ENSAE Paris and Télécom Paris, two places up on the 2022 ranking. It is also the top-ranked engineering school outside the Paris region.
A rigorous methodology
DAUR (Data Analysis for University Rankings), an independent comparative guidance platform for higher education in France, has been publishing rankings of 185 French engineering schools since 2019. It uses a robust scientific methodology, based on relevant criteria and statistical algorithms designed to eliminate bias. The data used comes mainly from SCEI statistics, Parcoursup, the CTI’s annual certification campaign and the CDEFI’s professional insertion survey.

Schools are ranked according to five criteria, harmonized according to exit sectors and school size:
- Selectivity: the school’s average level at selecting its students,
- Employability: the value of the diploma in the eyes of companies in the school’s target sectors,
- Research: students’ interest in research when they leave the school,
- International: the intensity of international contact between students throughout their studies,
- Alumni: the proportion of students from the last fifty years who have achieved the highest level of academic, professional, entrepreneurial or political success.