Creation of the “Aerospace Systems of the Future” research federation

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On May 14th 2018, Bruno Sainjon, Chairman and CEO of ONERA, Olivier Lesbre, Director General of ISAE-SUPAERO, and Olivier Chansou, Director General of ENAC, launched a joint research federation in the field of the “design, certification and operation of future aerospace systems” to facilitate the exchanges and scientific cooperation that have existed between the three institutions for several years.

The federation is organized around two defining areas of application for aerospace engineering:

  • Drones and their operations,
  • Air transport and its operations.

A central research question for these two areas will concern the design and integration of new artificial intelligence functions in certified systems.

The purpose of the federation
is to:

  • Develop qualification, certification and operations for future aerospace systems,
  • Develop new methods and new tools for a systemic approach to aeronautical design,
  • Develop international visibility for research activities,
  • Promote scientific excellence in this field at the institutions in Toulouse,
  • Attract talents, students and researchers.

In order to fulfill these missions, the federation will notably be backed up by the scientific expertise at the three institutions in the fields of systems engineering, human-system interactions, system modelling and optimization, as well as data processing and communication.

The federation’s goal will also be to improve performances, security, safety, competitiveness and energy efficiency in a sustainable development outlook.

This federation has also benefited from the recent success in the University Research Schools competition at the Toulouse School of Aerospace Engineering, whose ambition and reputation are resolutely focused on a multidisciplinary approach and international cooperation.

"ONERA is happy to forge a historic collaboration with two major European institutions of higher education. We will be even better prepared to ensure the future of the aerospace field with this defining framework, which will create synergies among the areas of scientific excellence at each while remaining respectful of their individual identities." Bruno Sainjon, Chairman and CEO of ONERA

“This federation will define and energize the already vigorous collaboration between our research teams who share the same campus in Toulouse and comprise a world-class scientific research cluster in aerospace engineering. It is also working with the Toulouse School of Aerospace Engineering to ensure greater international visibility for our research activities to continue to attract ever more excellent students and post-graduates to the European capital of aeronautics and space.” Olivier Lesbre, Director General of ISAE-SUPAERO

"This federation will strengthen the existing cooperation between our three institutions. In association with the new university research school, TSAE – Toulouse School of Aerospace Engineering – and with support from the competent ministries (Armed Forces and Transport), the federation will give our research teams and their work a first-rate international scientific reputation in the field of aerospace engineering." Olivier Chansou, Director General of ENAC


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