International Networks

As a world leader in higher education for aerospace engineering, ISAE SUPAERO has made international engagement a top priority. ISAE-SUPAERO is an active member of many leading European and international networks.



The ERASMUS+ program is the European Union program for education, training, youth and sports. 42 European universities are ISAE-SUPAERO partners under the aegis of the Erasmus+ program. ISAE-SUPAERO students have the opportunity to participate in the Erasmus+ program as part of their " academic " mobility within the European partner universities and their " internship " mobility in the countries participating in the program.
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PEGASUS - Partnership of a European Group of Aeronautics and Space Universities


ISAE-SUPAERO is actively engaged in the PEGASUS network, including 25 European aeronautics and space universities. Founded nearly 20 years ago, the network today counts ten countries and is the European gateway to higher education in aerospace engineering. Annually, PEGASUS member universities train most engineering graduates in Europe in the aerospace field.
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TIME - Top Industrial Managers for Europe


This 53 member network, including ISAE SUPAERO, represents 20 countries all over the world. It brings together the finest universities and fosters the creation of double degree agreements.
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ECATA - European Consortium for Advanced Training in Aerospace


ECATA is an international educational program for promising young engineers, scientists and researchers. The ECATA consortium includes the most renowned European engineering schools and universities in the aerospace field. It also includes the largest European aerospace companies.
The mission of ECATA is to assess and understand the increasingly demanding requirements of companies when it comes to higher education and to collaborate with companies to jointly develop the appropriate training programs.

Courses tailored to meet industry requirements are developed and implemented thanks to a combination of academic expertise, experience and in the field professional know-how. Founded more than 20 years ago, the program today counts over 400 alumni members in the ECALAS association.
To know more about ECALAS
To know more about ECATA

AGUPP - Airbus Group University Partner Program


Through this strategic worldwide network, Airbus Group brings together and connects over twenty universities to develop tomorrow’s aerospace engineering higher education programs and to ensure that these programs answer the needs and requirements of the aerospace sector.
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