Documentary training

Learning how to conduct a simple or advanced documentary search, knowing and accessing documentation on site or online, exploiting specialized databases, evaluating information, respecting copyright and better managing bibliographic references are skills that students need to succeed in their training.


The library offers first-year students and apprentices fun tours in the form of a treasure hunt.

Educational Objectives:

- Use the Archipel catalogue and then search for a document in the collection using its call number.
- Borrow a document
- Discover the reader’s account and reserve a document
- Use a database
- Discover the shuttle service
- Learn about the members of staff and their missions
- To know the services of the library and inter libraries

TRAINING FOR MAE 1 (Master in Aerospace Engineering - 1st year)

The library offers Master in Aerospace Engineering an english visit of spaces, collections and services.

Educational Objectives:

- Find one’s way in spaces
- Know the diversity of the collections
- Know the different services (loan, shuttle catalog...)


Module 1: Discovering the library’s educational services and resources

- Present the resources and services of the ISAE SUPAERO library
- To present the services of the UFTMIP
- To present the Archipel catalogue

This module will help you find your way around by showing you the many resources and services offered by the ISAE SUPAERO library, as well as the services of the libraries in the University of Toulouse network.

Module 2: Conducting a simple literature search

- Prepare your research and formulate your needs
- Choosing and defining your keywords: the right reflexes
- Searching effectively with Archipelago, Google and Google Scholar

This module prepares you to carry out a first level documentary research on a subject. It provides you with the keys to find information, without seeking exhaustiveness.

Module 3: Conducting Advanced Documentary Research

- To be familiar with various resources and tools
- Use the different functionalities of the tools
- Staying informed: awareness of monitoring

This module prepares you to conduct in-depth research. It allows you to discover and learn how to use the diversity of resources and tools at your disposal.

Module 4: Analyzing and evaluating sources

- be able to evaluate the relevance and quality of the information obtained
- to be able to apply criteria to evaluate the information obtained
- when and how to use Wikipedia
- be aware of fake news

It is important to be able to trust the information we find, whether it is printed or electronic.
We need to think critically about the quality and relevance of information.
This module explains why and how to evaluate information, according to what criteria?
How to distinguish reliable information from false information? When and how to use Wikipedia?

Module 5: Citing Sources

- Identify plagiarism situations
- Choose the citation method and bibliographic styles
- Manage your bibliography with Zotero

This module gives you the keys to write your academic work while respecting copyright and avoiding any risk of plagiarism.

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