Healthcare, Handicap and social services
Please find all useful information about healthcare issues, social services, services for physically challenged students, financial aid and grants, etc. The insititute is accessible to people and students with physical challenges thanks to specific equipments.
Healthcare services
A nurse from the inter-university service of preventive medicine and health promotion (Simpps) comes to the school site for telephone consultations with students. These consultations are by appointment only. If you wish to make an appointment, please contact your program coordinator.
You can also contact directly the Simpps Center of the University Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier (Medical, psychological and social service)
Secretariat : 05 61 55 73 67
Nursing reception: 05 61 55 73 59
Email : infirmier-ut3 at
Depending on your situation, consultation and interviews at a distance or on site, advice or guidance will be offered to you.
Social workers
Two social workers are available to students. Their office is located in the Maison des élèves (MDE) on the 1st floor between the Bureau des élèves (BDE) and the medical service.
- For master students, advanced masters, doctoral students: Chantal JOUNIAUX
Every Tuesday and Thursday - tel: 05 61 33 82 06
- For engineering students (and in case of emergency): Françoise Maigne
Every day except Wednesday afternoons - tel: 05 61 33 82 05
The social assistants take action to help students who are in difficulty:
- on a personal or family level
- but also to help them to solve difficulties throughout the year such as
solving administrative difficulties (CAF, social security, mutual insurance company...)
solving financial difficulties,
administrative procedures,
finding a place to live.
By appointing a campus-based Physical Disabilities Representative, ISAE-SUPAERO affirms its commitment to meeting the specific needs of students with physical disabilities.
The disability advisor offers individualized and confidential support to the students concerned and coordinates the follow-up of the adaptations necessary for the smooth running of their course, in conjunction with the teaching teams.
Contact of the disability advisor: Laurence Ballarin
Tel. 05 61 33 89 88 - laurence.ballarin at
In order to promote the professional integration of its students with disabilities, ISAE-SUPAERO is a signatory of the "Atouts pour tous" agreement, which provides a portal listing internship and job offers from partner companies.
Financial aid for school fees
Beginning with the start of the 2019 school year, the management and processing of scholarships on social criteria have been transferred from ISAE-SUPAERO to CROUS services. You have to apply for your ISAE-SUPAERO social criteria scholarship from CROUS by completing your student social file (DSE) online at
Contact: dfi.bourses at