ISAE-SUPAERO’s aerospace engineering degrees
Discover all ISAE-SUPAERO’s aerospace engineering degrees!
Table of contents
"Ingénieur ISAE-SUPAERO" (MSC)
ISAE-SUPAERO engineers are enterprising, innovative, passionate about what they do, open-minded, and flexible. In short they have the hard and soft skills to meet the constantly changing needs of companies today.
"Ingénieur ISAE-SUPAERO" by apprenticeship
Since 2020, ISAE-SUPAERO has been offering its new "Industrialization and Methods for Aeronautics and Space" engineering apprenticeship program, developed jointly with the ISAE Group schools. This new three-year course combines training in a professional environment, an excellent academic program and innovative teaching methods.
Master of Science, Advanced Master and Executive Education programs
The Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering degree
The ISAE-SUPAERO Master of Science in aerospace engineering degree is internationally renowned and highly regarded as an innovative program in science and technologies. Fully taught in English, this program is designed to prepare engineering students to find and develop solutions to today’s and tomorrow’s challenges facing the world and the aerospace industry.
This aerospace engineering degree is accredited by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research in line with the European higher education system. A new double degree program is offered in collaboration with Technical University of Munich (TUM).
The Advanced Master programs
Thanks to its close links with the aerospace industry, ISAE-SUPAERO develops, enriches and adapts an innovative training offer in order to offer experts in response to the demand of this industry. These courses are supplemented by tutorials, case studies and team projects, completed by a semester in a company and the realization of a professional thesis.
Executive Education programs
The constant developments in the technologies and methods used in an increasingly complex environment make life-long training a necessity for professionals in the aerospace sector. In order to meet future needs, ISAE-SUPAERO and its subsidiary, EUROSAE, have developed a diverse continuing education policy providing French and foreign auditors with long degree programs such as the Masters, certification courses lasting a few weeks and short qualification programs lasting a few days.
Discover the Executive Education brochure !
The post graduate diploma
The aeronautics industry requires an ever greater number of engineers skilled in diverse, complex techniques. Thanks to its close links with the aerospace industry, ISAE SUPAERO has developed and enriched a range of innovative, customized programs to train highly employable experts capable of providing solutions to the growing requirements of the industry. Our Post Graduate Diplomas based on the Institute’s Advanced masters are professionally oriented and internationally renowned.
The doctoral programs
A world leader in aerospace engineering higher education, with its engineers and master of sciences programs, ISAE-SUPAERO offers a rich and diverse PhD program, leading to the PhD degree, the highest diploma delivered by the institute, recognized internationally.
The PhD program at ISAE-SUPAERO benefits from various funding sources and is strongly in touch with the aerospace industry. It constitutes a training of excellence in and through research and an exciting professional experience in an environment of strong scientific innovation. The PhD program, when successful, allows one to be awarded by ISAE-SUPAERO the national doctoral diploma which confers the rank and title of doctor.
MOOC: online courses
Make ISAE-SUPAERO’s expertise in aerospace training available to the greatest number and contribute effectively to the distribution of knowledge.
More than 10000 people have engaged in an introductory learning of flying mechanics since the MOOC “Aircraft” went online.

ISAE-SUPAERO has obtained, the "Welcome to France" Label, granted by the agency Campus France, with a maximum three stars level, attesting to the quality of international students welcome. This label is used to promote and communicate about the higher eductaion institutions and to attest to the quality and accessibility of the information, the offer of programs, the teaching follow-up, the housing, the campus quality of life and the post-graduate follow-up of the international students.