The OSE L’ISAE-SUPAERO diversity program
Founded in 2006 and awarded the label, “Cordées de la Réussite” in 2009, the OSE ISAE-SUPAERO diversity program was created to promote and favor access to higher education for all, and in particular to provide support to students from underprivileged neighborhoods and rural areas.
Program objective
Help re-establish educational equity by helping motivated, high potential pupils from underprivileged backgrounds to access higher education.
The actions are designed to reach different target publics:
- Junior high school and high school students from the region, living in an economic, social or territorial context that does not always foster educational success,
- ISAE SUPAERO students, whose engagement in the program completes their training as future managers and active participants when it comes to fostering diversity.
The different aspects of the Program’s mission
- Educational measures including tutoring, scientific, cultural and athletic workshops
- An introduction to the aerospace sector
- Raising awareness about engineering, science and research professions and the associated fields of study
- Promoting equal opportunities for men and women in terms of access to science and engineering higher education
- Reaching out to people with disabilities to provide access to and awareness of opportunities in higher education
All actions are carried out on a volunteer basis by ISAE-SUPAERO students who work with junior and high school students.
The ISAE-SUPAERO OSE program is actively supported by ISAE-SUPAERO alumni:
Vincent LECRUBIER - world vice champion kayaker
Thomas PESQUET - astronaut at the ESA (European Space Agency)
Matthieu PONIN-BALLOM - Fighter pilot
Sophie - Helicopter pilot
Inès Belgacem - Doctoral student in planetology