Support ISAE-SUPAERO through the Apprenticeship Tax
The Apprenticeship Tax: invest in the future, support ISAE-SUPAERO!
By showing your support for ISAE SUPAERO through the apprenticeship tax, you are helping to train the best engineers in our industry and supporting the growth of tomorrow’s technologies.
What is the Apprenticeship tax?
All companies in France which have a payroll and which are liable to income tax or corporation tax must pay the apprenticeship tax, whatever their status. This tax amounts to 0.68% of their payroll. It is collected and then attributed to training and higher education organizations which can be selected by companies.
This contribution is an essential source of income to finance both educational and research-focused ISAE SUPAERO missions. In an increasingly challenging financial environment, ISAE SUPAERO needs to augment the share of the apprenticeship tax received, which dropped following the 2015 governmental reform.
Transform your payment of the apprenticeship tax into an investment in your company
By choosing ISAE SUPAERO for the apprenticeship tax payment you are:
- Helping to train your future employees,
- Raising ISAE SUPAERO student awareness of your company, and in turn helping to attract your future employees (through conferences, internship and job offers),
- Helping to realize your innovation projects by benefiting from the expertise and resources of ISAE SUPAERO research,
- Benefiting from our network of international partners,
- Preparing your future by developing scientific and technical cooperation with our higher education and research departments.
By choosing ISAE SUPAERO as a recipient for a larger share of the apprenticeship tax in 2017, you are directly supporting the growth of ISAE SUPAERO and recognition of the excellence and international reach of our graduates.
For more information please download the brochure
You can make your payment to designated collecting organizations
- Nom : Institut Supérieur de l’Aéronautique et de l’Espace
- Registration N°UAI : 0312760G
- Address : 10 avenue Edouard Belin, BP 54032, 31055 Toulouse
- Not including quota Cat. B
Deadline for declaring your payment : February 2017