ISAE-SUPAERO in the top 5 of engineering schools recruiting after french preparatory classes - Le Figaro Etudiant

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- ISAE-SUPAERO ranks 5th in Le Figaro Etudiant’s 2025 ranking of the best engineering schools recruiting after french preparatory classes.
- Our Institute moved up three places from the previous year (8th), thanks in particular to its excellent result in the employability criterion.

ISAE-SUPAERO is ranked 5th in Le Figaro Etudiant’s ranking of engineering schools that recruiting after french preparatory classes.

This ranking, based on 87 schools accessible after two years of preparatory classes, takes into account three main criteria: academic excellence, internationalization and employability of graduates.

ISAE-SUPAERO moved up three places on last year, thanks in particular to the number of its alumni who are members of the Comex of CAC 40 companies, up from 1 in 2023 to 7 in 2024, according to Figaro Etudiant.

This result highlights the excellent employability of our graduates, who are evolving in companies in the aerospace and defense, strategy consulting, management and transition fields, etc.

True to our raison d’être, ISAE-SUPAERO trains top-level engineers, combining scientific skills, a commitment to environmental issues and the ability to innovate to master the complex challenges of tomorrow’s world.

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